Monday, March 15, 2010

Free Time

It has come to my attention that I no longer have free time. What happened to it? What happened to being bored after work? What happened to hours of tv watching? That's right, they're gone. I'm resigning myself to the fact that they left many years ago. I am pretty sure that I spend my "free time" doing freelance work. It's fun to do something different than work stuff. I really enjoy the tshirts and invitations I've been doing recently. I've posted pics of them on facebook but none here. The remaining moments in my evening are made up of exercise or house stuff. I think that my day is full and I like it that way. I hate being bored - glad I'm not at the moment. I look forward to some time in May when all my projects are out the door and I have time to clean off the dvr.

Until later, enjoy your free time while you have it!


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